16 - November 28, 2023 - Christopher Buttner’s Factual Response to the Board of Supervisors Regarding Calaveras Visitors Bureau Presentation. Christopher Buttner’s Factual Response to the Board of Supervisors Regarding Agenda Item 18. Agenda Item 18: Receive an Update on the Calaveras Visitors Bureau.
17 - March 12, 2024 - Christopher Buttner’s General Public Comments Regarding the Formal FPPC Complaint Filed Against District 3 Supervisor Martin Huberty and Missing SEIU-1021 Campaign Contribution Funds From Amanda Folendorf's 2020 and 2024 FPPC campaign filings. Christopher Buttner's general public comments to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors regarding the formal FPPC complaint filed against District 3 Supervisor Martin Huberty and missing SEIU-1021 campaign contribution funds from Amanda Folendorf's 2020 and 2024 FPPC campaign filings.
18 - March 26, 2024 - Statement to the Board of Supervisors confirming a formally submitted public records request specific to the Calaveras Visitors Bureau California Nonprofit Corporation type having been legally changed. Statement to the Board of Supervisors confirming a formally submitted public records request for ALL records of ALL verbal and/or written communication exchange(s) between Merita Callaway and Martin Huberty specific to the Calaveras Visitors Bureau California Nonprofit Corporation type having been legally changed.
19 - April 9, 2024 - Negligence of Fiscal, Child, Public & Animal Safety in Calaveras County. A county government that allows pedophiles to flee justice and flourish in our communities, and let innocent and defenseless animals suffer for decades, appears to be irreparably broken and beyond redemption. Fiscal irresponsibility is synonymous with negligence of both public and animal safety.
20 - June 11, 2024 - The Martin Huberty-led Calaveras Visitors Bureau delivers a shoddy and disrespectful presentation to the Calaveras County government. Further Explanation and remedy demanded.
21 - June 25, 2024 - Statement to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors in Opposition to Agenda Item 12. Adopt a Resolution approving Fiscal Year 2024-25 Recommended Budget for the distribution of Transient Occupancy Taxes to the Calaveras Visitors Bureau.
22 - July 9, 2024 - General Public Comments to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors on the subject of Amanda Folendorf, Calaveras County District 4 Supervisor - “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2020” and “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2024” Candidate Committee FPPC Form 460s Erroneous and Misleading Campaign Finance Filings. Statement by Christopher Buttner during General Public Comments to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors on the subject of Amanda Folendorf, Calaveras County District 4 Supervisor - “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2020” and “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2024” Candidate Committee FPPC Form 460s Erroneous and Misleading Campaign Finance Filings.
23 - July 23, 2024 - Calaveras Final Grand Jury Report Delay Scrutinized.
General Public Comments to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors on the subjects of the delay of the Calaveras County 2023-2024 final grand jury report, the July 16th publication of the 21-page California Commission on Judicial Performance report, publicly admonishing Presiding Calaveras Superior Court Judge Timothy Healy, and allegations that County officials provide protective cover for a legacy Murphys hospitality business that has employed an adjudicated pedophile since mid-2018.
24 - August 13, 2024 - General Public Comments to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors on the subject of allegations of public corruption, with criminal implications, against District 4 Supervisor Amanda Folendorf. Supervisor Amanda Folendorf is alleged to have committed serial fraud and perjury by repeatedly filing false California Fair Political Practices Commission forms spanning more than four years of the required reporting period for these filings.
25 - August 27, 2024 - General Public Comments to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors on the subject of campaign finance violations presented to the California Fair Political Practices Commission against three of five Calaveras Supervisors, District 1 Supervisor Gary Tofanelli, District 3 Supervisor and Board Co-Chair, as well as Calaveras Visitors Bureau Executive Director Martin Huberty, and District 4 Supervisor Amanda Folendorf.
26 - August 27, 2024 - Calaveras Supervisors Remain Committed to Animal Cruelty. Statement by Christopher Buttner, Director and Founder, of Calaveras2024Election.com, to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors in opposition to "Agenda Item 4: Authorize the Board Chair to sign the response to the June 30, 2024 Grand Jury Report regarding Animal Services.
27 - August 27, 2024 - Calaveras Supervisors Disregard Blatant Conflict of Interest. Christopher Buttner’s Board of Supervisors Statement in Opposition of Agenda Item 14: Authorize the Board Chair to execute Agreement 1020-2409 for Hauling Services with R. Sutton Enterprises, LLC in an amount not to exceed $250,000 for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026.
28 - September 10, 2024 - Calaveras County District 5 Supervisor Ben Stopper's Latest FPPC Violation. Subject: Campaign finance violation complaint filed with the California Fair Political Practices Commission against District 5 Supervisor Benjamin Stopper on September 10, 2024.
The Flipside of Incompetence is Corruption.
November 28, 2023 - Christopher Buttner’s Factual Response to the Board of Supervisors Regarding Agenda Item 18.
Agenda Item 18: Receive an Update on the Calaveras Visitors Bureau.
"My name is Christopher Buttner. My website is Calaveras2024Election.com.
This government invites intense public scrutiny by failing to demand accountability from CVB Board president, Morgan Gace, and CVB Executive Director, District 3 County Supervisor Martin Huberty, concerning the CVB’s deceptive practices.
Ms. Gace’s hyperbolic claim of “unprecedented amounts of tourist dollars,” calling that a “mind-blowing” amount when describing the county’s 246 million dollar annual tourism revenue in 2022, deceptively spins statistics into falsity by a critical fact omission of the negative growth of annual tourism revenue.
Ms. Gace stated the county’s 30 million dollar increase in 2022 annual tourism revenue was a substantial gain over 2021. However, factually, the ‘real purchasing power’ of 2022’s annual tourism revenue is actually 5% lower in consumer price index adjusted dollars than 2019, the last year before the pandemic disruption.
Additionally, the CVB’s 2021 federal tax return provides irrefutable evidence that Mr. Huberty, as the Executive Director of the CVB, has known the CVB to be a mutual benefit nonprofit corporation since July 12, 2021, and no longer a public benefit nonprofit corporation.
CEO Hitchcock and DA Yook must take very seriously the extensively evidenced allegation of the CVB’s fraudulent misrepresentation of its legal entity type, demanding answers of Ms. Gace and Mr. Huberty to the following questions.
On what date did the CVB adopt bylaws legally required for a mutual benefit nonprofit corporation?
Why are the CVB’s defunct public benefit nonprofit corporation bylaws, last amended on March 1, 2018, still published on the CVB’s website falsely proclaiming the CVB’s legal entity type to be a public benefit nonprofit corporation, when, factually, the CVB’s legal entity type converted to a mutual benefit nonprofit corporation on July 12, 2021?
Why did Ms. Gace falsely affirm, by signing the Tourism Promotion Agreement, that the CVB was a public benefit nonprofit corporation when, in fact, she is legally responsible for knowing the CVB has been a mutual benefit nonprofit corporation since July 12, 2021?
Why is the CVB’s legal entity type misrepresented in the Tourism Promotion Agreement, the official funding document with the county?
At the directive of the California Office of the Secretary of State and the Office of Attorney General, substantial evidence obtained from public records act requests, that must prompt an investigation, will soon be delivered to the Calaveras County Auditor Controller, the District Attorney and the Grand Jury.
March 12, 2024 - Christopher Buttner's general public comments to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors regarding the formal FPPC complaint filed against District 3 Supervisor Martin Huberty and missing SEIU-1021 campaign contribution funds from Amanda Folendorf's 2020 and 2024 FPPC campaign filings.
"My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com.
The endemic government corruption and lack of Ethics and Oversight I have previously addressed before this Board continues to worsen.
Vice-Chair Huberty, on January 18, 2023, I filed a citizen-initiated complaint against you with the California Fair Political Practices Commission backed by considerable primary-source evidence alleging that you knowingly committed very serious violations.
The FPPC found my allegations credible, converting my citizen-initiated complaint into a formal Commission-initiated complaint, Case Number 2023-00471. The state’s case is Open and Pending.
Additionally, I formally submitted the facts of this case to the California Attorney General, Calaveras Grand Jury and Calaveras District Attorney.
Supervisor Folendorf, your 2020 and 2024 FPPC campaign filings reveal glaring irregularities.
You are also the subject of an FPPC complaint alleging financial impropriety.
Please explain, Supervisor, how nearly seven thousand dollars of residual campaign funds from your 2020 campaign treasury suddenly vanished on July 1, 2020, per your FPPC Form 460-filing covering the period of July 1, 2020 to September 19, 2020, which was not disclosed until your December 5, 2023, filing just prior to you announcing your 2024 re-election bid.
These missing funds are directly traceable to the fifteen-thousand dollar contribution to your 2020 campaign by SEIU 1021.
You received fifteen-thousand dollars on March 12, 2020, nine days after the March 3, 2020 election and recorded that contribution on your Form 460, effectively erasing your remaining campaign debt.
Seven evidentiary documents – specifically your Form 460s – some of which were submitted by you as much as three years late on December 5, 2023, were affirmed as factual by you under penalty of perjury.
An additional four Form 460s, the last of which was an amended filing by you, were submitted on January 25 and 31, and February 22 and 27, 2024, respectively.
Calaveras County’s SEIU 1021 rank-and-file employees should demand an answer from you immediately to this question: “Supervisor Folendorf, did you pocket some of my union dues following the 2020 election?”
My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com.
March 26, 2024 - Statement to the Board of Supervisors confirming a formally submitted public records request for ALL records of ALL verbal and/or written communication exchange(s) between Merita Callaway and Martin Huberty specific to the Calaveras Visitors Bureau California Nonprofit Corporation type having been legally changed.
Good Morning County Counsel Edwards.
My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com.
I’m here this morning to emphasize, for you and your colleagues, specific details of the public records act request that you received in writing from me on Monday, March 25, 2024, at 10:05 AM via email.
My public records act request is as follows:
This California Public Records Act request is for ALL records of ALL verbal and/or written communication exchange(s), physical and digital, that fall within the prescribed and authorized maximum date range of Calaveras County’s approved Records Retention Schedule, that occurred between former District 3 Supervisor Merita Callaway and current District 3 Supervisor Martin Huberty – who also serves as 2024 Board of Supervisors Vice-Chair – and who also serves as the presumably compensated Executive Director of the Calaveras Visitors Bureau – incorporating former District 3 Supervisor Callaway’s knowledge, as of June 7, 2022, specific to the Calaveras Visitors Bureau California Nonprofit Corporation type having been legally changed with the State of California eleven (11) months earlier, on July 12, 2021, from a California Public Benefit Nonprofit Corporation to a California Mutual Benefit Nonprofit Corporation.
That concludes my public records act request.
Board Chair Garamendi, as you’ll recall, against logic and fiscal prudence, on June 7, 2022, (former District 3 Supervisor) Merita (Callaway) pushed indignantly to allocate three-hundred-and-fifty-thousand dollars to the CVB in the 2022-2023 budget, effectively deprioritizing Law Enforcement and Fire Safety needs.
I’ll now close with a direct question addressed to both the former District 3 Supervisor, Merita Callaway, and her hand-picked successor, the current District 3 Supervisor, Martin Huberty.
Did the two of you have any communication, written or verbal – on or prior to – June 7, 2022, regarding the aforementioned topic of the conversion of the legal status of the Calaveras Visitors Bureau nonprofit corporation type from a California Public Benefit Nonprofit Corporation to a California Mutual Benefit Nonprofit Corporation?
One last thing, Martin.
I allege that the CVB’s bylaws, published and displayed on GoCalaveras.com, a public-facing website, deceive and fraudulently misrepresent the factual legal status of the Calaveras Visitors Bureau nonprofit corporation type to the public-at-large, for nearly three years now, since July 12, 2021, on your watch as the Executive Director of a business bureau operating largely on public funds… all the while having accepted over one million dollars combined in Calaveras County and Angels Camp TOT funding.
My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com.
April 9, 2024 - Fiscal irresponsibility is synonymous with negligence of both public and animal safety.
"My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com.
The June 19, 2023, Calaveras County Grand Jury report stated, as have numerous reports since 1987, the animal shelter, built in the 1950s, remains in dire need of replacement.
On March 26, 2024, Calaveras Supervisors denied a proposal to authorize (sic) $800,000 for design and construction documents for the long-overdue shelter estimated to cost $11 million, of which only $4 million of funding exists. Read the article.
Previously, on November 7, 2023, the Supervisors unanimously approved $5 million for the proposed, new district attorney’s office, expected to cost $6 million. Read the article.
Since early 2022, to silence, I’ve provided detailed documents to the Calaveras DA, expecting investigations would be launched into conflicts of interest, collusion, cronyism, misuse of public funds, government corruption, and personal harassment, with my claims backed by irrefutable evidence and 15 Calaveras Sheriff’s Department harassment reports.
Most recently, my harassment reports were vetted by Sheriff DiBasillio, who submitted them on my behalf to the DA’s office on December 5, 2023. As of today, no response.
Two of the 15 harassment reports reveal the individual the reports were filed against violated two penal codes and one civil rights code. A background search revealed this individual was arrested and pleaded to a charge of Electronically Furnishing Obscene Materials to Minors (arrest and court records - warning - graphic content) in Georgia in 2013.
In late 2023, those two harassment reports were emailed to his employers, where he continues to work, as well as three business bureau directors:
one of whom is a County District Supervisor, without response.
Per the Sacramento Bee on September 29, 2023, the California Attorney General is reviewing – for abuse of discretion – the Calaveras DA’s decision to dismiss the indictment against now fugitive pedophile priest Father Michael Kelly. Read the article.
The Calaveras DA is undeserving of a new facility due to dereliction of duty and selective enforcement. The $6 million in new DA office funding should be reallocated, thereby ensuring $10 million in funding for a new Animal Shelter.
Fiscal irresponsibility is synonymous with negligence of both public and animal safety. A county government that allows a pedophile to flee justice or a pedophile to flourish in our communities, and let innocent and defenseless animals suffer for decades, appears to be irreparably broken and beyond redemption.
My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com."
June 11, 2024 - The Martin Huberty-led Calaveras Visitors Bureau delivers a shoddy and disrespectful presentation to the Calaveras County government that demands further explanation and remedy.
"My name is Christopher Buttner.
On May 28th, at the most recent Calaveras County Board of Supervisors meeting, the Martin Huberty-led Calaveras Visitors Bureau delivered a shoddy and disrespectful presentation to the Calaveras County government that demands further explanation and remedy.
Why was the Huberty-led Calaveras Visitors Bureau represented at that meeting by a County employee… specifically, the County’s appointed representative and liaison on the Calaveras Visitors Bureau Board of Directors?
Why did the Huberty-led Calaveras Visitors Bureau fail to have in attendance one or more representatives of the Calaveras Visitors Bureau Board of Directors, or one of Huberty’s staff members, presumably capable of knowingly reviewing the budget with the Board of Supervisors and CEO?
Does the County’s appointed representative and liaison on the Calaveras Visitors Bureau Board of Directors understand that she is representing and serving as the willing mouthpiece for an outlaw business bureau that has been intentionally and fraudulently misrepresenting to the government and to the public, the legal status of its California nonprofit corporation type since July 2021?
Do any of you understand that the TOT funding provided by the Calaveras government to the Huberty-led Calaveras Visitors Bureau belongs to its members now?
Do any of you understand that there are legal differences between a public benefit nonprofit corporation and a mutual benefit nonprofit corporation? It appears not.
Do any of you understand the legal ramifications of the Huberty-led Calaveras Visitors Bureau continuing to fraudulently display bylaws on its website that have been expired for three years, while the County knowingly continues to fund that fraudulent activity?
You’ve all known since August 2023 that the Huberty-led Calaveras Visitors Bureau is misrepresenting the legal status of its California nonprofit corporation type since July 2021, yet entered into a four-year contract despite that glaring fact.
The Calaveras Visitors Bureau bylaws published on GoCalaveras.com deceive and fraudulently misrepresent the legal status of the Calaveras Visitors Bureau nonprofit corporation type to the public-at-large, for nearly three years now, on Calaveras County District 3 Supervisor Martin Huberty’s watch as the conflicted Executive Director of an outlaw business bureau operating largely on public funds.
Martin, it is long past time for you to resign as the Executive Director of the Calaveras Visitors Bureau due to your pattern of Breach of Fiduciary Duty.
Focus your dwindling time as Calaveras County District 3 Supervisor performing the job that you were elected and are paid to do.
My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com."
June 25, 2024 - Statement to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors in Opposition to Agenda Item 12. Adopt a Resolution approving Fiscal Year 2024-25 Recommended Budget for the distribution of Transient Occupancy Taxes to the Calaveras Visitors Bureau.
"My name is Christopher Buttner.
You’ve all received an advance copy of the following comments and recommendations regarding the proposed TOT allocation of $400,000 for the Calaveras County District 3 Supervisor-led Calaveras Visitors Bureau, in the County’s fiscal year 2024-2025 budget.
I’ll now read those comments and recommendations for the official public record and for evidentiary purposes.
The Martin Huberty-led CVB ceased to be a California public benefit nonprofit corporation nearly three years ago, in July 2021, yet the CVB continues to publish bylaws on its GoCalaveras website that misrepresent the business bureau’s legal status as a public benefit nonprofit corporation when, in fact, it is a mutual benefit nonprofit corporation. This intentional misinformation perpetuates a false narrative and misleading public impression of where public TOT funds are being allocated.
While receiving nearly $2 million in public TOT-funding over the last five years, the CVB routinely misleads the public and its government benefactors concerning its fiscal impact to the County by failing to adjust its reporting for inflation, and therefore failing to accurately report the real purchasing power of the County’s annual tourism revenue.
In real dollars, utilizing the U.S. government’s Consumer Price Index for accuracy, the fiscal impact of the CVB has, in fact, experienced negative or flat growth under Huberty as I have previously stated to you and published to Calaveras2024Election.com.
District 3 Supervisor Huberty, in his conflicted role as Executive Director of the CVB, has been the subject of an ongoing FPPC investigation since July 2023, Case 2023-00471, for evidence of campaign finance violations during his 2022 campaign for District 3 Supervisor, for his failure to disclose multiple sources of income as the CVB Executive Director and Chamber of Commerce CEO.
For those reasons, the Board of Supervisors is urged to conditionally place the CVB on financial probation for fiscal year 2024-2025 until the outlaw business bureau:
My name is Christopher Buttner."
Supervisor Garamendi: Are there other comments on this item? From the public? From the Board? Supervisor Stopper?
Supervisor Stopper: So moved.
Supervisor Garamendi: A motion by Supervisor Stopper on number 12.
Supervisor Tofanelli: Second.
Supervisor Garamendi: A second by Supervisor Tofanelli. All in favor?
All Supervisors: Aye.
Supervisor Huberty: And I’ll abstain.
Supervisor Garamendi: It carries 4, 0, 1 abstention. Thank you.
July 9, 2024 - Statement by Christopher Buttner during General Public Comments to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors on the subject of Amanda Folendorf, Calaveras County District 4 Supervisor - “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2020” and “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2024” Candidate Committee FPPC Form 460s Erroneous and Misleading Campaign Finance Filings.
"My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com.
Yesterday, July 8, I emailed a citizen-initiated complaint to Kathy Gomes, Calaveras County Auditor Controller, formally requesting that a forensic audit be conducted by her office of “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2020” and “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2024” candidate committee FPPC Form 460s, as follows:
Prominently stated goals of the Calaveras County Auditor Controller’s Office published on its public-facing website are to “pursue adoption of policies that prevent fraud or the perception of conflict or fraud, maintain accurate financial data, make that accurate financial data available to the public, and to follow all laws even if they are in conflict with the ‘how we have always done things’ thought process.”
Those stated goals, Ms. Gomes, present you with a serious matter now requiring a forensic audit by the Auditor Controller’s Office.
Supervisor Folendorf repeatedly submitted what I allege to be blatantly erroneous and misleading FPPC Form 460s for her 2020 and 2024 campaign committees, of which she was also the Treasurer, creating a perception of conflict or fraud.
I allege that Supervisor Folendorf’s erroneous and misleading campaign finance filings may constitute fraud and perjury.
It is the duty of the Auditor Controller to investigate my credible allegation, backed by well substantiated primary source evidence contained in the details of Supervisor Folendorf’s FPPC Form 460s for the previously referenced campaign committees.
FPPC Complaint Number COM-07082024-02178, filed against Supervisor Folendorf, alleges that, 1) $8,454.72 in labor union contributions to “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2020” are unaccounted for, and alleges that, 2) Supervisor Folendorf repeatedly submitted blatantly erroneous and misleading FPPC Form 460 campaign statements for the “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2020” and “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2024” campaign committees, of which she was also the Treasurer, constituting fraud and perjury.
This email was copied to Supervisors Folendorf, Garamendi, Huberty, Stopper and Tofanelli, as well as CEO Hitchcock, County Counsel Edwards, County Clerk Recorder Turner and District Attorney Yook.
My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com, and one last point, I am registering my concern as a citizen as to the delay of the release of the Grand Jury Report for the fiscal year just concluded."
July 23, 2024 - Statement by Christopher Buttner during General Public Comments to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors on the subjects of:
"My name is Christopher Buttner.
On July 9th, 2024, from this podium, I registered concern that the 2023-2024 final grand jury report had not been released despite the fiscal year ending eight days prior.
The final report was published on July 19th, nineteen days late, potentially violating Penal Code 933(a).
My concern pertained to my four submitted grand jury complaints from the just-ended fiscal year, focusing on the elected and appointed leadership of this government, detailing alleged malfeasance, corruption and criminality.
None of my four complaints were addressed by the grand jury, leaving me to infer two scenarios.
The unlikely scenario is my allegations were referred to DA Yook for criminal investigation, indictment and prosecution.
The likely scenario is my complaints were suppressed.
The missed grand jury deadline coincided with the July 16th publication of the 21-page California Commission on Judicial Performance report (read it at this link), publicly admonishing (Calaveras Enterprise article may be behind a paywall): Presiding Calaveras Superior Court Judge Timothy Healy.
Judge Healy’s misconduct and demeanor toward my family and I, in civil harassment case 22CH40711 on October 23rd, 2023, mirrored his misconduct and demeanor detailed in the Commission’s public admonishment report.
I’m filing a formal complaint with the Commission against Judge Healy – referencing my family’s case – for his alleged violations of the canons of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges.
As asserted to all of you in my April 9th statement from this podium and in my April 12th follow-up email, my civil harassment case raises allegations that County officials provide protective cover for a legacy Murphys hospitality business that has employed an adjudicated pedophile since mid-2018.
On July 11th, I filed a complaint with the FBI, logged and redirected to the Calaveras Sheriff’s Office by the U.S. Department of Justice, confirmed on July 12th by Deputy Denney (Badge 0581).
All evidentiary documents supporting these allegations will be published to Calaveras2024Election.com for law enforcement, media and public scrutiny.
This government’s failure to prioritize child safety prompts me to draft proposed legislation for which I’ll seek sponsorship in Sacramento.
The “No Safe Harbor for Child Predators Act” intends to amend and close dangerous loopholes in California Penal Code 290 - Failure to Register as a Sex Offender - that shield adjudicated child sex offenders who’ve relocated to California from states, such as Georgia, with lax child sex offender registry laws from being required to register as sex offenders in California.
My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com.
Attention readers: The proposed “No Safe Harbor for Child Predators Act" will include stiff penalties for public officials and employers prosecuted and convicted for using their respective positions of power of office or employment to provide protective cover for pedophiles.
August 13, 2024 - Christopher Buttner’s General Public Comments of August 13, 2024. Amanda Folendorf FPPC Complaint COM-07082024-02178. Supervisor Amanda Folendorf is alleged to have committed serial fraud and perjury by repeatedly filing false California Fair Political Practices Commission forms spanning more than four years of the required reporting period for these filings.
Statement: "My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com.
My comments today are directed to you, District 4 Supervisor Folendorf.
Supervisor Folendorf, by now you are quite aware that I have made a very serious allegation of public corruption against you, with criminal implications, inasmuch as you’ve allegedly committed serial fraud and perjury by repeatedly filing false California Fair Political Practices Commission forms spanning more than four years of the required reporting period for these filings.
Supervisor Folendorf, I allege that you have repeatedly submitted blatantly erroneous and misleading FPPC Form 460s for the “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2020” and “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2024” campaign committees, of which you were also the Treasurer, creating a “perception of conflict or fraud” for an elected official with voting power on a 360 million dollar County budget for fiscal year 2024-25.
That is a considerable amount of power in the hands of an elected official, allegedly one having committed serial fraud and perjury by their blatantly erroneous campaign finance filings over a period of four years.
Supervisor Folendorf, I allege that you filed yet another erroneous and misleading campaign finance form, FPPC 460 on July 31, 2024, also constituting fraud and perjury stemming from your long-standing failure to properly account for two campaign contributions received in 2020 from SEIU 1021 and LIUNA 73, for $15,000 and $1,500 respectively, before half of those funds vanished without being accounted for and remain conspicuously absent from all of your subsequent FPPC filings.
Supervisor Folendorf, you stand accused by me of having allegedly stolen eight-thousand four-hundred and fifty-four dollars and seventy-two cents in labor union campaign contributions to your “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2020” committee.
I call upon you to publicly refute these serious allegations.
The most credible way in which you may satisfactorily do so is by publicly requesting a forensic audit of your 2020 and 2024 Candidate Committee FPPC Form 460s.
If you believe that you have nothing to hide and will be absolved, you’ll promptly issue a public statement requesting the Calaveras County Auditor Controller’s Office immediately conduct that forensic audit.
Your silence will resoundingly indicate otherwise and prompt vocal calls for your immediate resignation as District 4 Supervisor.
My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com."
August 27, 2024 - Statement by Christopher Buttner, Director and Founder, of Calaveras2024Election.com, during General Public Comments to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors on the subject of campaign finance violations presented to the California Fair Political Practices Commission against three of five Calaveras Supervisors, District 1 Supervisor Gary Tofanelli, District 3 Supervisor and Board Co-Chair, as well as Calaveras Visitors Bureau Executive Director Martin Huberty, and District 4 Supervisor Amanda Folendorf.
Statement: My name is Christoper Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com.
My allegations of campaign finance violations presented to the California Fair Political Practices Commission against two of five Calaveras Supervisors – Huberty and Folendorf – have both been upgraded to commission-initiated complaints triggering State cases – currently open – investigating their suspicious campaign finance filings.
My allegations of campaign finance violations were found to be credible and serious; within the jurisdiction of the FPPC’s investigative authority; Huberty allegedly not reporting income while a candidate; Folendorf allegedly serially filing falsified FPPC forms years beyond the legal filing deadlines… with over eighty four hundred dollars in residual labor union contributions to her 2020 campaign vanishing while she was her own treasurer.
Now, imagine if the majority — three of five — Calaveras supervisors were concurrently subjects of active State cases for campaign finance violations...
On April 17, 2024, forty-three days beyond March’s primary election, Supervisor Tofanelli finally filed a Form 497 24-hour contribution report.
For over six weeks Supervisor Tofanelli failed to account for SEIU 1021’s March 4, one-thousand twenty-one dollar contribution to his 2024 re-election campaign.
Tofanelli’s failure prompted my allegation to the FPPC concerning his March 5, 2024 violation as a “Campaign Non-Filer,” for his allegedly willful failure to file his legally required Form 497, subsequently - and allegedly – committing perjury with his submission of a falsified written excuse.
Supervisor Tofanelli, there’s no evidence in the County’s CampaignDocs eRetrieval system of you ever filing your legally required Form 497 by March 5, 2024 – your so-called, self-titled “Report 1” – yet, suspiciously, your written explanation stated the following Reason for Amendment was – quote – “Late Contribution over $1,000.00.” – end quote.
Supervisor Tofanelli, I’ve explicitly alleged to the State, in complaint 08202024-02696, that you falsified the claim of your late filing being an amendment to a non-existent “Report 1;” additionally, alleging you’ve committed perjury by falsely claiming your late filing to be an amendment to a non-existent “Report 1.”
This serious allegation, if upgraded by the State to being the third concurrent case against a Calaveras supervisor, would justify demands for three immediate resignations for public corruption.
My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com.
August 27, 2024 - Statement by Christopher Buttner, Director and Founder, of Calaveras2024Election.com, to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors in opposition to "Agenda Item 4: Authorize the Board Chair to sign the response to the June 30, 2024 Grand Jury Report regarding Animal Services.
Statement: My name is Christoper Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com.
The 2023/24 Grand Jury Final Report on Calaveras County Animal Services was publicly released 19 days beyond its June 30th deadline.
This missed deadline overlaps the July 16th publication of the humiliating 21-page California Commission on Judicial Performance report admonishing Presiding Calaveras Superior Court Judge Timothy Healy.
Per California Penal Code 933(c), the Board of Supervisors has 90 days to respond to the Grand Jury’s Final Report, setting the response deadline at October 17.
So why the rush?
The Grand Jury’s Final Report on the animal shelter is a whitewash, as is the board’s premature and reckless response skirting the dominant issue of endemic negligence and inhumane treatment of animals.
This board’s diversionary response and tactics distracts from the tragedy underlying a government riddled with public corruption, that for decades, has inhumanely treated generations of innocent, helpless, and wholly dependent animals in its custody.
Shame on you all.
The Grand Jury and Calaveras government has again squandered the public’s goodwill and faith, spinning an illusion of hope you’d finally do the right thing for our vulnerable shelter animals.
If not for the wonderful, dedicated volunteers who tolerate the same deplorable conditions the animals are forced to survive in, the situation would be far more critical.
I found the Animal Shelter money, so follow along…
* Four point one six million dollars is already allocated.
* Terminate the LDA Partners contract and that’s a half million dollars.
* Put out a competitive bid for a revised, appropriately scaled animal shelter.
* Terminate ALL plans and funding for the DA’s new office building due to numerous allegations of her quid pro quo corruption and that’s six million dollars more.
* Next, fully defund the CVB and Chamber of Commerce of undeserved TOT revenue for another four hundred fifty thousand dollars annually.
* Just like that… OVER eleven million dollars for a new, compassionate and caring Calaveras Animal Shelter.
In conclusion… This shameful board is demanded to withdraw its whitewash response to the Grand Jury until a public hearing has occurred.
I have already launched a national public relations campaign, engaging preeminent animal rights organizations including PETA, focusing on nearly four decades of willful animal cruelty caused by an inhumane Calaveras government that refuses to prioritize funding due to its endemic corruption.
My name is Christopher Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com.
The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors voted to approve, 4 to 0, District 4 Supervisor Amanda Folendorf absent.
August 27, 2024 - Christopher Buttner’s Board of Supervisors Statement in Opposition of Agenda Item 14: Authorize the Board Chair to execute Agreement 1020-2409 for Hauling Services with R. Sutton Enterprises, LLC in an amount not to exceed $250,000 for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2026.
Statement: My name is Christoper Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com.
I objected to today’s Consent Agenda Item 14, specifically requesting that it be pulled because it required further discussion and community input before being voted upon by the board, potentially passing four votes to zero – not five votes to zero.
Why four votes to zero and not five?
Why might one supervisor recuse from voting on Consent Agenda Item 14?
The “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2020” campaign kicked off with a sumptuously catered fundraising event in Vallecito, held on January 4, 2020, at the Sutton Barn.
The Calaveras Enterprise reported on January 8, 2020 that, “Supporters mingled over food and drinks, while a DJ played music in the background.”
Amanda Foldendorf’s FPPC Form 460, for the period of January 1, 2020 to January 18, 2020 includes a Schedule C, itemizing the below fair market value of the food served, and failing to account for the fair market value of the facility, which may well be argued represents a substantial non-monetary contribution received by Folendorf’s campaign from one – or more – members of the Sutton Family, and was not reported by her campaign – as legally required on Schedule C.
As an event professional with 40-plus-years of experience, the “Folendorf for D4 County Supervisor 2020” campaign kick-off event in January 2020 is estimated to have a minimum fair market value in excess of $6,000 for venue, catering, beverages, table and chair rental, DJ and incidentals of which less than $2,000.00 has been accounted for.
So, Supervisor Folendorf, in light of these facts, I think it unwise that you vote on any contractual matter benefiting any member of the Sutton family today as darkening clouds of campaign finance violations and state investigations loom above your compromised career as a Calaveras County Supervisor.
If you agree, you’ll recuse from this vote.
If not, carry on.
Regardless, two additional FPPC complaints await you.
You already know where to locate the evidence.
It’s waiting for anyone to read on http://www.Calaveras2024Election.com.
You can easily find it by Googling “Amanda Folendorf Campaign Finance Irregularities Under Scrutiny.”
It will be the first return on the first page of your search results.
My name is Christopher Buttner.
Supervisor Garamendi: Any questions on this item from the board? Any public comment? Is there a motion?
Supervisor Stopper: Sir, you know, as, especially as Ms. Folendorf isn’t here to vote on it, number one. Number two, you know, that was four years ago. I'd like to make the motion.
Supervisor Garamendi: Supervisor Stopper, is there a second?
Supervisor Huberty: I'll second.
Supervisor Garamendi: Second by Supervisor Huberty. All in favor?
All Supervisors: Aye.
Supervisor Garamendi: Carries Four zero, one absent, thank you."
The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors voted to approve, 4 to 0, District 4 Supervisor Amanda Folendorf absent.
September 10, 2024 - Statement by Christopher Buttner, Director and Founder, of Calaveras2024Election.com during General Public Comments to the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors, on September 10, 2024, on the subject of a campaign finance violation complaint filed with the California Fair Political Practices Commission against District 5 Supervisor Benjamin Stopper.
Statement: My name is Christoper Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com.
Supervisor Stopper, two weeks ago you made a hasty comment concerning my allegation of Supervisor Folendorf’s failure to account for a significant non-monetary contribution on Schedule C of her January 22, 2020 California Fair Political Practices Commission Form 460, specifically the venue for her January 2020 campaign kickoff event.
You expressed that Supervisor Folendorf’s alleged campaign finance transgression on her January 22, 2020 Schedule C was a non-material fact to a consent agenda item. You’re on-the-record stating, “that was four years ago.”
You do know that Supervisor Folendorf has formally been under State investigation by the FPPC’s Enforcement Division since July 16, 2024 for allegations of violations of the Political Reform Act for all years between 2020 and 2024, with an additional allegation since having been added to Case Number 2024-00713, and a third allegation in process.
Now let’s talk about your FPPC forms, Supervisor Stopper.
On May 10, 2019, your campaign committee, “Stopper for Supervisor District 5 2018,” with you as treasurer, received this official warning letter from the FPPC concerning your violation of the campaign disclosure provisions of the Political Reform Act.
You failed to file your legally required semi-annual campaign form by the deadline.
The FPPC explicitly warned you, in writing, Failure to comply with the provisions of the Act in the future will result in monetary penalties up to five thousand dollars for each violation.
The information in this matter will be retained and may be considered should an enforcement action become necessary based on newly discovered information or future conduct. (Click here to read the FPPC Warning Letter of May 19, 2019).
No sooner were you warned of future monetary penalties of up to five thousand dollars per violation, you immediately committed the exact same violation in the very next semi-annual period, and allegedly in subsequent periods.
Additionally, you allegedly did not file Form 410-T and 460-T to terminate your 2018 campaign committee, nor file Form 470 Officeholder and Candidate Campaign Statement Short Form for 2023.
You failed to timely file Form 497s for two labor union campaign contributions to your 2018 campaign.
Supervisor Stopper, your FPPC complaint number is 09092024-02978.
My name is Christoper Buttner, publisher of Calaveras2024Election.com.
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District 1 includes the communities of Circle XX, San Andreas, Valley Springs, Campo Seco, La Contenta, Camanche, Burson and Wallace.
Phone: (209) 286-9002
Term Info:
Elected 2020
Re-elected 2024
Current Term Expires December 31, 2028
District 2 includes the communities of Mokelumne Hill, Paloma, West Point, Wilseyville, Glencoe/Rail Road Flat, Sheep Ranch, Mountain Ranch, and Calaveritas.
Email Autumn Andahl
Phone: (209) 286-9003
Term Info:
Elected 2024
Current Term Expires December 31, 2028
District 3 includes the communities of Douglas Flat, Murphys, Brice Station, Forest Meadows, Hathaway Pines, Avery, Arnold, White Pines, Dorrington, Camp Connell, Cottage Springs, Skyhigh, Tamarack, Sherman Acres and Vallecito.
Email Martin Huberty
Phone: (209) 286-9007
Term Info:
Elected 2022
Current Term Expires December 31, 2026
District 4 includes the communities of Angels Camp, Altaville, and Copperopolis.
Email Amanda Folendorf
Phone: (209) 286-9050
Term Info:
Elected 2020
Re-elected 2024
Current Term Expires December 31, 2028
District 5 Includes the communities of Milton, Jenny Lind, Rancho Calaveras, and Salt Spring Valley.
Email Benjamin Stopper
Phone: (209) 286-9059
Term Info:
Elected 2022
Current Term Expires December 31, 2026
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